Raymond's Free Pantries

Providing food and basic hygiene items to anyone who needs them in Raymond, Alberta.

Using the Free Pantries

If you need to access the free pantries, they are located as described below. To allow us to help as many people as possible, please only take what you need for a day or two. Feel free to come back for more as needed.


The Medical Clinic and Seniors Centre locations are outdoor and available 24 hours a day. The Public Library location is indoor and only available M-F from 9am-5pm.

Raymond Public Library

We have a have free pantry located inside the back entrance to the Library building.

Raymond Seniors Centre

We have a have free pantry located on the South wall facing the road outside the Seniors Centre.

Raymond Medical Clinic

We have a have free pantry located on the East wall outside the main clinic entrance.


Raymond’s Free Pantries are operated by The Free Pantry Society of Raymond.
The Free Pantry Society of Raymond’s Board of Directors includes
Stewart Foss, Clarissa Foss, Jacquie Fleming, J’Ana Smith, Karin Champion, MayAnn Pilling, Charlotte ZoBell, Edithe Jarvis and Carolyn Beuckert.